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The Relevance (Why the course is being taught)

This course is a unique hybrid program which encompasses health, nutritional science, and dietary management of various disease conditions (dietetics), community nutrition, food service management and entrepreneurship. This course was developed to cover the current gap  in the nutrition transition and food insecurity. Graduates of this course are required to address this challenge.

The degree choice enables graduates to obtain employment in International organizations, government agencies, NGOs, hospitals, schools, research agencies, wellness and sports centers, clinics, food processing and marketing organizations, as well as private practice and media as a source of nutrition education and information.

Source * https://ecurei.ac.ug/course/bachelors-of-science-in-human-nutrition-bhn/

Course Entry Requirements

A’ level with 2 principal passes in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Food & Nutrition or Agriculture. Diploma holders in health-related fields are eligible.

Source * https://ecurei.ac.ug/course/bachelors-of-science-in-human-nutrition-bhn/

Subjects for Admission

Essential Subjects (X3) [?]
Foods And Nutrition

Relevant Subjects (X2) [?]
Desirable Subjects (X1) [?]
Fees Structure Per Semester
Item Fees
Course Cut off Points
Course Career Paths

Chase your dreams in heels of your course. Know where this course is taking you by checking out the careers associated to it listed below

Interviews related to Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition

Hear and learn from those that did the course and what they have been able to do with the knowledge they acquired

Where Graduates Work

Graduates can find employment in International organizations, government agencies, NGOs, hospitals, schools, research agencies, wellness and sports centers, clinics, food processing and marketing organizations, as well as private practice and media as a source of nutrition education and information.

Source * https://ecurei.ac.ug/course/bachelors-of-science-in-human-nutrition-bhn/

Scholarships to study Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition

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