Post Graduate Diploma in Cyber Security (Online)
University : Nexus International University
Number of Years: 1
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The growth of Internet accessibility and all the associated technologies has enabled many organizations to set up cyber environments for purposes of resource sharing, distributed computing and connectivity to other organization. Such cyber environments are always prone to cyber attacks and this puts the information systems of such organizations at risk. A cyber security professional is always required to ensure a
secure cyber environment.
This programme Postgraduate Diploma in Cyber Security focuses on training students who can be cyber-security professionals. The programme covers a number of issues including common security threats to cyber environments and how to protect the cyber environment from such threats, design and implementation of cyber surety policies in organizations.
Although cyber environments enhance resource sharing, distributed computing and connectivity to other organizations, they expose the organization’s resources to cyber attacks. It is therefore important that we develop a capacity of cyber security professionals who are aware of the common threats in cyber environments and the most prevailing cyber security interventions to avert such threats, and also can apply existing cyber security policies to manage any threats.
Being a virtual university, the NIU will run this programme purely online by using online live classes through video conferencing, online weekly quizzes and tutorials posted on the courses’ e-learning platform, online simulation tools for practical demonstrations, individual reading assignments, among others.
The Postgraduate Diploma in Cyber Security programme has 10 taught course units where 6 are core courses, 2 are institutional requirements and 2 are elective/optional courses. Upon successfully passing of the core courses and institutional requirements, the student must write a research paper with a topic related to cyber security discipline.
Chase your dreams in heels of your course. Know where this course is taking you by checking out the careers associated to it listed below
Hear and learn from those that did the course and what they have been able to do with the knowledge they acquired
Graduates go on to become cyber-security professionals
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