Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
University : Uganda Christian University
Cut off Points Government : 0
Cut off Points Private Day : 0
Cut off Points Private Evening : 0
Number of Years: 3
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Cut off Points Government : 0
Cut off Points Private Day : 0
Cut off Points Private Evening : 0
At Uganda Christian University, the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSc.CS) Degree Programme is a three year full-time degree Programme that normally starts in September Semester and targets prospective students with some background in Mathematics or Physics. The majority of graduates from the BSc.CS. degree Programme are expected to take up positions such as Database Administrators, System Administrators, Network Administrators, Software Engineers, Computer Scientists, Computer Science Lecturers, Researchers, Database Programmers, and Computer/Systems Programmers. The graduates of BSc.CS have a broader area of specialty choice that they can make if desire to pursue further studies.
The BSc.CS Degree Programme is offered to satisfy the increasing demand for Computer Scientists in both the private and public sectors and provide a basis for Postgraduate Studies in computer science or related area. It also provides an avenue to those already engaged in the ICT sector without a degree qualification in Computer Science to enhance their knowledge and skills and obtain formal qualifications.
The knowledge and skills gained by BSc.CS graduates include Software Engineering, Data Communication Networks design and management, Systems Administration, Information Security, Mobile Computing as well as relevant applied research to develop and/or maintain appropriate and sustainable technical solutions to computing and ICT problems in variety of fields including: Telecommunication, Banking, Education, Governance, Medical, Engineering and Technology, etc. Therefore our graduates have competitive advantage to work with national and International organisations in wide-ranging fields. (Source: Uganda Christian University, School of Science&Technology website)
Ugandan applicants: Applicants should hold at least
International applicants: Applicants must have qualifications that are recognized for University entry in their respective countries for a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree or equivalent.
(Source: Uganda Christian University, School of Science&Technology website)
Chase your dreams in heels of your course. Know where this course is taking you by checking out the careers associated to it listed below
Hear and learn from those that did the course and what they have been able to do with the knowledge they acquired
Increasingly, employers are seeking graduates with high-level computing skills, and the ability to apply them in innovative ways to solve the problems facing their organisations. Opportunities exist in fields as diverse as finance, films and games, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, consumer products, and public services - virtually all areas of business and society. Employers, from large multinational firms such as EA Electronic Arts , IBM and Microsoft to small local organisations, actively target our students, recognising that Manchester Computer Science graduates are equipped with the skills that enable them to excel in a whole host of positions, including many that are not traditionally associated with computing graduates.
Accrediting organisations
British Computer Society (BCS)
(Source: Uganda Christian University, School of Science&Technology website)
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Uganda Christian University
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