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The Next Einstein Forum (NEF) is excited to announce a call for applications for its new cohort of NEF Ambassadors (2022-2024). The ideal candidates are young Africans who are champions of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and Social Sciences in their respective countries.
The Next Einstein Forum (NEF) is a public engagement initiative of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS). Launched in 2013, the NEF was born out of a recognition that there was no gathering on African soil where the very best actors had the opportunity to come together from their diverse communities of science, industry, civil society, and policy, from Africa and around the world, to leverage science for global development. Further, there was no platform where topics were addressed strategically and holistically, with opportunities for cross-fertilization. In existing forums, the public is often ignored in the design and outcomes of the forums. Women, young people and persons with disabilities were often significantly underrepresented in participation and/or speaking opportunities at such forums.
The NEF has four pillars including the NEF Global Gatherings, NEF Policy Work, the NEF Platform, and the NEF Community of Scientists. The NEF also has two cross-cutting commitments: the commitment to scientific excellence that speaks to both research and education and a commitment to gender equity. The NEF Ambassadors are young STEM champions under 42 years, one from each African country, who drive the NEF’s public engagement activities. These activities include the NEF Africa Science Week program while growing their own careers through the NEF’s partnerships that offer opportunities for mentorship and collaborations with established researchers. The NEF Ambassadors have a 2-year mandate.
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Ndejje University
Makerere University Business School
Nkumba University
St Francis Schools of Health Sciences
Victoria University