Bukalasa Agricultural College was founded in 1920 as a Cotton Breeding Centre and since then, partly via mergers with other institutes, developed into the current institute that provides agricultural education in a broad range of fields. Since 1991 Bukalasa Agricultural College is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Sports. The college receives substantial funding from the Danish government for rehabilitation of the facilities en reviewing the curricula.
Since 2000, the college offers a two-year Diploma and Certificate course in:
Crop Production and Management
Animal Production and Management.
The curriculum is under review. It is the intention to include the more traditional courses in the new curriculum, including:
Dairy Science and Technology, Poultry Production and Management, Horticulture, Floriculture, Leather Science and Technology
Tailor made course of 2 to 4 weeks’ duration are programmed starting August of each year:
Poultry, Dairy production, Livestock feed mixing, Pig production, Horticulture, Apiary ( bee keeping), Sustainable agriculture
Academic registrar
0782 632 739, 0782 893 454.