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The NDEE is based on a semester system. During each semester, a core project or assignment is accomplished. Being competence- based, NDEE relies heavily on core assignments. This starts with an expert example or assignment of the whole task and then modules are undertaken. The core assignments and expert examples have preparatory assignments that prepare the student for the module and relate the module to the core task. Each module contains sub-modules, each of which includes a practical assignment that will help the student to learn how to perform the core task. The modules undertaken during a given semester are aimed at providing:
• applied theory
• technical and general skills
• professional attitude
A candidate shall be eligible for admission to the National Diploma in Electrical Engineering programme on meeting any of the following minimum qualifications specified as follows:
At least one Principal Pass in either Physics or Mathematics obtained at the same sitting of the Advanced Level Examinations or its equivalent. For purposes of computing entry points, the advanced level subjects shall be classified as follows:
Essential – Physics and Mathematics x3
Relevant - Chemistry, Economics, Technical Drawing, Metalwork or Woodwork x2
Desirable – General Paper, any other Technical Subject x 1
Others – Any other subject x 0.5
At least a credit National (or Advanced) Certificate from a recognised Institution in Refrigeration and air Conditioning or any other related Engineering field as approved by the selection committee constituted by the Ministry of Education and Sports.
A Bachelor’s degree in Physical Science disciplines from a recognised institution.
Chase your dreams in heels of your course. Know where this course is taking you by checking out the careers associated to it listed below
Hear and learn from those that did the course and what they have been able to do with the knowledge they acquired
Graduates can work in various organizations i.e. power generation, transmission, distribution, domestic and industrial installations among others. The graduates can also upgrade in various courses like telecom engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering
Makerere University Business School
Ndejje University
International University of East Africa
Muni University
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