Bachelor of Science in Land Economics
University : Makerere University
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Cut off Points Government : 47.1
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In the year 2004, Makerere University Senate, and later Council, approved a 4?year Bachelor
of Science undergraduate degree programme in Land Economics. Prior to this, all Land
Economists working in the country were trained abroad. A land economist is a professional
working within the construction industry and financial sector, whose expertise and
competence include preparation of valuation, costing and investment reports on land,
landed property and real estate developments. They are more commonly known as valuers
and/or valuation surveyors. The land economics undergraduate programme which is run
under the Faculty of Technology was introduced with support from the Carnegie
Cooperation of New York, following a grant given to the university in 2003. Forty years
earlier, regional universities such as Nairobi and Dar es Salaam had started similar
programmes. Since the 1970s, there was an annual shortage of about 50 Valuation Surveyors
per annum in Uganda. This number still falls far short of the needs of the country.
Recent preliminary surveys show that there is currently an annual shortage of more than
150 valuation surveying professionals in the country. Moreover, generational and gender
gaps which are evident compound the significant shortfall. Before 2004, none of those who
graduated in valuation surveying was a woman. Most of the present practitioners are either
past or approaching their retirement age. This underscores the severe generational and
gender gap that exists in the profession to the present day. The only young graduates were
those who, on their own initiative, sought training from outside the country, from such
places as Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, India and the United Kingdom. Makerere
University and the University of Dar?es?Salaam had an exchange programme whereby two
students were admitted for the valuation surveying programme each year. There was no
special consideration for women in the selection of candidates for the few places available in
the existing training arrangement.
Since the introduction of the programme in 2004, there has been a modest increase in the
number of Valuation Surveyors in the country. At the time of writing this report, the
department has graduated over 100 valuation surveyors since July 2008. It was however
realized through consultations with stakeholders, that changes in the curriculum were
necessary and urgent to incorporate modern methods of construction, valuation and
communication technology.
The construction industry and mortgage institutions in Uganda, and in particular real estate
development, are two of the fastest growing sectors of the national economy. The trend is
projected to continue as the country witnesses increased investment over the foreseeable
future. The construction industry alone has both direct and indirect impacts on other sectors
of the economy. Losses incurred in the industry due to unavailability of valuation
surveyors and related skills drain the national economy considerably. Moreover, lack of
valuation professionals has been at the bottom of several malpractices such as: unethical
valuation, under?declaration of values, overvaluation of landed property, poor procedures
and remuneration in cases of compulsory acquisitions, conflicting land policies, poor
preparation of valuation reports, inadequate planning and valuation analysis, unethical
procurement and connivance, poor investment analysis, wastage of time for valuation, and
lack of technical assessment.
All these have had negative effect on the national economy and the social fabric. The
strategic plans of both the Faculty of Technology and Makerere University emphasize the
need for production of highly qualified human resources in existing, continuing and
emerging areas in order to contribute to national development. Strengthening of courses
within the land economics undergraduate degree programme is in conformity with the
strategic direction of the University and the nation.
The key objective of this programme is to provide admitted students with a sound
theoretical and practical base to enable them conduct valuations, investment reports and
optimally manage land, landed property and real estate developments. They should also
be able to professionally identify, manage and value landed property and other specialized
assets. Graduates of this programme are expected to gain employment in both the private
and public sector. The major input of the programme is to train valuation surveyors with
sufficient skills for the public and private sectors: government ministries, local authorities,
banks, mortgage institutions, departments, parastatals, construction firms, and private
consultancies in valuation surveying.
Other supporting objectives are to:
• create capacity at Makerere University for training of valuation surveyors;
• reduce the human resource gap in the valuation surveying profession;
• incorporate modern methods of valuation, computerized assessment, and analysis
• improve the gender and generational imbalances in the profession.
The training of valuation professionals for better and more rational assessment and
valuation of land and real estate properties in Uganda will significantly contribute to overall
poverty reduction in the long term.
Laboratory and computer training in the curriculum provide hand?on opportunities
to apply knowledge to solving practical problems of engineering. There are also
practical training components in the curriculum which introduce students to actual
field practice.
*Source: College of Engineeering Design Art and Technology, Makerere University
Hear and learn from those that did the course and what they have been able to do with the knowledge they acquired
Land Economists find employment in surveying firms and specialize in the valuation of land and real estate property
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