Bachelor of Laws
University : Makerere University
Cut off Points Government : Pre-entry exam
Cut off Points Private Day : Pre_entry exam
Cut off Points Private Evening : Pre-entry exam
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Cut off Points Government : Pre-entry exam
Cut off Points Private Day : Pre_entry exam
Cut off Points Private Evening : Pre-entry exam
The Faculty of Law (currently School of Law) evolved from the Department of Law which was established in 1968 as part of the Faculty of Social Sciences. It became a full fledged Faculty in 1973. It was until 2002 the only Faculty producing Lawyers for the Legal Profession within Uganda. The Faculty contributed significantly to the human resource development in the Legal profession where it has produced graduates who have become Justices of Supreme Court and of Court of Appeal and Judges of High Court, Attorney Generals, Legal practitioners, Magistrates, Corporate Legal Advisers, Academicians and other legal professionals in the public and private sectors. The Faculty recently became a School in accordance with the collegiate arrangement of the University.
a). To promote and engage in cutting-edge legal research on contemporary legal topics and issues as well as legal scholarship in interdisciplinary and analytical spheres;
b) To develop and enhance the legal knowledge necessary for practical applications in national development, democratic governance and integrity in public and private institutions;
c) To establish and maintain state-of-the-art infrastructure to facilitate effective legal teaching, training and research;
d) To mobilize and secure adequate financial, human and other resources necessary for attaining the vision of the School of Law.
Admission Requirements
Entry into the Bachelor of Laws Programme is open to three categories of applicants namely:
Direct Entry Scheme
For admission to the Bachelor of Laws degree programme under the Direct Entry Scheme, an applicant must have:
i) The Uganda Certificate of Education (or equivalent) with at least five credit passes.
ii) The Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education with at least two principal passes in any of the subjects done at A- Level School obtained at the same sitting.
b) Diploma Holders Entry Scheme;
An applicant must have at least a Second Class Diploma from a recognized Institution. Degree holders may also apply under this scheme.
Mature Age Entry Scheme;
An applicant must have sat for and passed the National Aptitude Test and subject based Makerere Mature Age Entry examinations.
Other Admission Requirements
i) All applicants who apply for admission to the LL.B. programme shall undergo an Admission Test effective 2012/2013 academic year. The test will evaluate aptitude, analytical and communication skills.
ii) Detailed information on admission procedures, fees and requirements for each of the categories of admission can be obtained from the office of the Academic Registrar in Senate House or at
Chase your dreams in heels of your course. Know where this course is taking you by checking out the careers associated to it listed below
Hear and learn from those that did the course and what they have been able to do with the knowledge they acquired
Students that have done this course can work with the government, in courts as lawyers, private law firms.
NB: Students have to do a 9months course at the Law Development Center (LDC) to be able to practice law as advocates of the high court.
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