Breaking News
The Master of Medicine Ophthalmology course is designed to train an all-round Ophthalmologist who at the completion of his training should be able:
1. To manage all Ophthalmic cases.
2. Should have administrative skills rendering him capable of being a leader in an eye care team which is capable of conducting research work.
3. To identify and refer patients who need sub-specialist management.
Objectives of the course
The primary objective of the course is to admit and train Medical officers to become ophthalmologists. It is planned to achieve this objective by having in place adequate facilities for training. A document to be followed in the training programme is to be in place. The document will give the teachers and any other facilitators in the training programme a comprehensive guideline for achieving the following.
• To teach basic scientific principles of ophthalmology
• To teach fundamentals of Ophthalmology
• To teach Clinical skills
• To teach Surgical skills
• To teach administrative/management skills
• To acquaint the postgraduate doctor with basic principles of community eye care
• To understand the skills of allied Ophthalmic workers • To acquaint the postgraduate doctor with the basics of Subspecialist Ophthalmology
Chase your dreams in heels of your course. Know where this course is taking you by checking out the careers associated to it listed below
Hear and learn from those that did the course and what they have been able to do with the knowledge they acquired
Graduates work as Ophthalmologist
Ndejje University
Nkumba University
Mengo School of Nursing and Midwifery
Web Info-net institute of Technology
Datamine Technical Business School
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