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Breaking News

The Relevance (Why the course is being taught)

Objectives of the Course

This Programme will produce graduates who should be able to;

1. Efficiently and effectively plan and manage activities on a farm and livestock business;

2. Do actual livestock farming themselves

3. Manage, analyse, interpret and report farm animal data

4. Develope,adapt and evaluate animal production technologies to suit local needs

5. Assist farmers achieve better efficiency and results in their livestock business setting

6. Instruct and assist farmers in modern farming technologies.

7. Develope intra and inter-farm product quality control systems.

8. Instruct and assist farmers and the private sector improve and add value to their animal products

9. Be conversant with modern technologies for use in high levelstock production

Course Entry Requirements

Subjects for Admission

Essential Subjects (X3) [?]

Relevant Subjects (X2) [?]
Foods And Nutrition
Desirable Subjects (X1) [?]
Computer Studies
Subsidiary Mathematics
General Paper
Course Cut off Points
Course Career Paths
Interviews related to Bachelor of Animal Production Technology and Management

Hear and learn from those that did the course and what they have been able to do with the knowledge they acquired

Where Graduates Work

Graduates of this course can work very well as farm managers.

Scholarships to study Bachelor of Animal Production Technology and Management

Other Courses Currently Admitting

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