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The Relevance (Why the course is being taught)

This is a three year program of study for the direct entry students and one and a half years for the completion program (upper grading). The diploma program is under the Department of Nursing and Midwifery which is an autonomous entity under the School of Health Sciences. The program incorporates and emphasizes general nursing, midwifery, community health, management, leadership, and research.

The Aim of the program: To train a skilled Diploma Nurse who is able to provide promotive, curative and rehabilitative services in the minimum health care package at all levels of health care.

Expected Learning Outcome of the Program

At the end of the course, the Diploma Nursing Student should be able to;

  • Apply knowledge, attitude, skills and values for nursing care.
  • Carry out practical nursing procedures
  • Identify and manage health units
  • Train and supervise community based health workers
  • Initiate change to promote the quality of life in the community
  • Manage and maintain resources in the community
  • Seek opportunities for continued growth as a professional and a citizen.

(Source: Bugema University website)

Course Entry Requirements

Entry requirements

To be eligible for direct entry into the diploma in Nursing (DN) program a candidate must satisfy the following admission criteria.

  1. Credits in the following subjects;
  2. A principle pass in Biology at “A” Level and two subsidiaries in Chemistry, Physics, Food & Nutrition and Mathematics.
  3. Successfully satisfy the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education & Sports selection panel at an interview.
  4. Conform to the standards of medical fitness by the training authority and public service.

English language, Biology, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry

(v)    Age limit:17 – 27 years.

(Source: Bugema University website)

Subjects for Admission

Essential Subjects (X3) [?]

Relevant Subjects (X2) [?]
Foods And Nutrition
Desirable Subjects (X1) [?]
Course Cut off Points
Course Career Paths

Chase your dreams in heels of your course. Know where this course is taking you by checking out the careers associated to it listed below

Interviews related to Diploma in Nursing

Hear and learn from those that did the course and what they have been able to do with the knowledge they acquired

Where Graduates Work

A graduate can work in Government and Non-government health centers

Scholarships to study Diploma in Nursing

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