Diploma in Records & Archives Management
University : Makerere University
Cut off Points Government : Not Sponsored
Cut off Points Private Day : to be updated
Cut off Points Private Evening : to be updated
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Cut off Points Government : Not Sponsored
Cut off Points Private Day : to be updated
Cut off Points Private Evening : to be updated
Records and archives management profession, like other information professions requires a complex theoretical and practical knowledge base to underpin its special expertise. Iwhiwhu, (2005), notes that Information and records management are the pillars of business activities. Therefore, with their absence, management is incapacitated in its decision making process. The lack of records impairs orderly methods of information communication and utilization in an organization or institution. Organizations today require highly qualified personnel to manage their records.
To provide foundation education and training for candidates who are seeking to enter the Records Management, Information/ Documentation and Archives Management profession and to equip them with knowledge and skills with which to meet their challenges in the dynamics of the working environment
The Records and Archives Management Programme will have the following objectives:
(a) To educate and train students in Archives & Records management
(b) To equip students with knowledge and skills in managing different types of information institutions in particular, Records Center, Archives, Documentation and Information Centres
(c) To equip students with sufficient skills to cater for staffing needs of the registries at government ministries, institutions, NgOs and private organisations in and outside Uganda
(d) To provide foundation education and training for candidates who are seeking to enter the profession of Records Officers, Archivists, Documentalists and Information Officers
Chase your dreams in heels of your course. Know where this course is taking you by checking out the careers associated to it listed below
Hear and learn from those that did the course and what they have been able to do with the knowledge they acquired
Archivists, curators and records managers are employed across several industries including: public administration and safety, health care and social assistance, arts and recreation services, and education and training.
Nexus International University
Management and Training Advisory Center (MTAC)
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