Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
University : Makerere University
Cut off Points Government : 50.7
Cut off Points Private Day : to be updated
Cut off Points Private Evening : to be updated
Breaking News
Cut off Points Government : 50.7
Cut off Points Private Day : to be updated
Cut off Points Private Evening : to be updated
Electrical Engineering has grown exponentially in terms of new technologies, ideas, principles and applications. It is concerned with understanding, designing, implementing and using systems,ranging in complexity from simple electronic components, via integrated
circuits and embedded systems to large scale semi?continental power systems and information networks as vast as the internet
This intellectually challenging subject underpins the core technologies of the 21st century, and can be a route to many different career paths.
The boundaries of Electrical Engineering extend from basic physics, chemistry, mathematics, statistics,
computer science, to applied subjects in power systems, telecommunications, industrial automation, biotechnology etc.
It is a multidisciplinary subject, with a unique role to play as a bridge between basic sciences, applied sciences and technological disciplines.
The recent past has been characterized by economic liberalization leading to broadening and diversifying the demand for graduates in the field of Electrical Engineering
There is an upsurge in the private sector leading to creation of new jobs that require specialized graduates.
In order to satisfy this demand, the Department of Electrical Engineering has revised its curricula to address
this emerging issue and therefore attract more students.
Thecurriculum was developed with the involvement of many stake holders following a top-down approach,i.e. identifying the projected
on-job requirements after graduation and then organizing them in hierarchical manner with fundamentals at the beginning level and becoming
more application oriented and advanced for subsequent years. At the same time, the suggested syllabi is at par, in content and scope,
with Electrical engineering syllabi of various contemporary leading institutions across the globe.
The revised curriculum provides sound theoretical approaches to the various Electrical and Electronics engineering disciplines
supplemented by hands-on laboratories and computer skills to apply the theoretical knowledge to practical engineering problems.
Additional practical training components such as Workshop Practice in the first year and Industrial Training in the recess terms
of the second and third years of study introduce students to actual field practice.
The program is conducted through coursework and examinations. At the fourth year of study, students are prepared to do independent supervised study in the area of their choice.
Students can enroll for the programme with the intention of achieving the qualification of a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSC.EE).
The primary focus of this programme is to produce entrepreneurship oriented graduates who are capable of propping up new companies, out of theprototypes that they will have developed at
the undergraduate level. This demands that the final year projects should benchmark world class
standards, capable of leading to Electrical Engineering incubations.
Educational Objectives
The educational objectives of this programme are to:
(a) Produce graduates who are able to practice electrical engineering to serve Uganda and the
regional industries, government agencies, or national and international industries.
(b) Produce graduates with the necessary background and technical skills to work professionally in one or more of the following areas: Power systems generation, transmission and distribution, industrial electronics, renewable energy solutions, system integration,
electronic design automation.
(c) Prepare graduates for personal and professional success with awareness and commitment to their
ethical and social responsibilities, both as individuals and in team environments.
(d) Prepare graduates who are capable of entering and succeeding in an advanced degree
program in a field such as engineering, science and business
Program Outcomes
The outcomes for the computer engineering program are:
(a) To Understand - to understand fundamentals of devices, electrical and electronic circuits,
electronic design automation,and mathematics, and how these are used in electrical and
electronic systems. An understanding that engineering knowledge should be applied in an ethically
responsible manner for the good of society.
(b) To Question - to critically evaluate alternate assumptions, approaches, procedures, tradeoffs,
and results related to engineering problems.
(c) To Design - to design and implement electrical and electronic systems power systems,
industrial electronic systems and renewable energy systems.
(d) To Lead - to lead a small team of student engineers performing a laboratory exercise or design
project; to participate in the various roles in a team and understand how they contribute to accomplishing the task at hand.
(e) To Communicate - to use written and oral communications to document work and present
project results.
Chase your dreams in heels of your course. Know where this course is taking you by checking out the careers associated to it listed below
Hear and learn from those that did the course and what they have been able to do with the knowledge they acquired
Graduates in the course of Electrical Engineering find employment in Power Companies such as Aggreko,Umeme and government agencies dealing with power.They also work in factories
Electrical engineering graduates can find jobs in most engineering industries. These include:
Ndejje University
Bugema University
Nkumba University
Ndejje University
Nkumba University
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