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Tarbell Fellowship for early-career journalists

Date: Sep 5, 2023

Deadline 01st Oct 2023

The Tarbell Fellowship is a one-year programme for early-career journalists interested in covering emerging technologies, especially artificial intelligence.

Fellows receive a 9-month placement at a major newsroom, participate in a study group covering AI governance & technical fundamentals, and attend a 2 week journalism summit in Oxford. The Tarbell Fellowship provides a stipend of up to $50,000 to support these placements.
The programme incorporates expert speakers, feedback & mentorship from experienced journalists and networking events with experts from leading AI organisations. Upon graduation, we expect fellows to bring their impact-focused perspective to major newsrooms and publications around the globe.

The 2024 Tarbell Fellowship will run from January - December 2024. Applications for the 2024 cohort will close on October 1st 2023.


  • Stipend. Depending on the situation, fellows can get stipends of up to $50,000 to advance their journalism careers. We anticipate that stipends will range from $35,000 to $50,000 depending on the area and the individual.
  • Mentorship. Each fellow will be matched with an experienced journalist. Mentors will provide critical feedback and challenge the fellow to set goals and deliver on them. They’ll conduct fortnightly mentorship calls and connect mentees with their network.
  • Training. Fellows will participate in remote sessions each week as a cohort. This will include training in best practices, talks from experts in the field and challenging assignments designed to build skills.
  • Oxford Summit. Fellows attend a two week summit in Oxford at the beginning of the fellowship (March 1st – March 14th 2023). This will be an intensive fortnight of guest speakers, workshops and networking events in Oxford / London. Travel and accommodation costs will be fully covered.

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