Bachelor of Business Administration
University : Makerere University
Cut off Points Government : 48.4
Cut off Points Private Day : to be updated
Cut off Points Private Evening : to be updated
Breaking News
Cut off Points Government : 48.4
Cut off Points Private Day : to be updated
Cut off Points Private Evening : to be updated
The challenge in most of the developing and least developed economies is how to effectively and efficiently deploy enterprise resources. Business Administration is primarily concerned with the question of how an enterprise’s resources (Human resources, equipment, financial resources etc ) can be deployed as effectively and efficiently as possible.
The Bachelors Degree course in Business Administration gives students an overview of business administration disciplines or subject areas, with the overall objective of encouraging interdisciplinary thinking and decision-making. This BBA programme has been systematically tailored to the employment market. The curriculum is targeted not only at the national employment market but also takes into consideration the requirements ot regional and international employers.
Career Prospects
Our broad approach prepares graduates at the various levels for positions in all areas concerned with business administration and management, small business management, public service sector management and project management. Our graduates are well prepared to work in the private sector and public service, service and manufacturing sector, profit and non-profit making organization including NGOs.
Our graduates will be able to support an enterprise’s management in business administration issues, assume responsibility for management tasks, set up their own business or become self-employed. BBA Graduates can assume different positions in organizations ranging from the top/strategic level, management, middle level and bottom tactical management level.
Chase your dreams in heels of your course. Know where this course is taking you by checking out the careers associated to it listed below
Hear and learn from those that did the course and what they have been able to do with the knowledge they acquired
Business Administration Graduates can work in a multitude of Business Enterprises as well as starting up their own business ventures.
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