Journalism is one of the most loved and hated profession. We are loved because we feed people’s ears with information and loathed because some people think we have mastered the art of poking our noses in people’s business. We are watchdogs. We get to the heart of the world and keep the earth in check. That’s all we do.

So, I was therefore over the moon when I Joined Makerere University to pursue a Bachelor in Journalism and communication. Finally, I was going to do the course of my dreams.

Like any other University prospect, I was excited about this new chapter in my life and I wanted to make the best out of it. Starting out I was focused on being the best Journalist in the country, only that I didn’t know the how to get there. Here are four things I got to learn a long the way that helped me coin my skills;

Find your niche as early as possible.

Journalism is wide and broad and it is possible to feel lost if you don't discover your strength. Do you love photojournalism? Are you good at writing or you desire to become a producer? It is important to recognize what you are good at so that you burn your energy smartly. This will help you apply to the right places for internship that will enhance your skills, keep you focused and eventually position you well in the job market.

Go to the field.

Journalism is one of those courses you can start practicing without papers. I became a freelance writer with the New Vision in my first year and I didn’t have any qualifications.The University timetable offers a lot of free time which can be used to harness ones skills. If you are not employed, consider volunteering with a company or organization that is doing what you like and learn as much as you can. Gaining experience from the field will expose you to so many things that you could not have learnt from feeding from just the lecturer.

Invest in some equipment

The only way to improve your skills is to practice. The old saying stands true ‘practice makes perfect.’ Relaying on University equipment will frustrate you but once you discover your niche, you will reap a lot in the end with just a little investment. I know classmates who loved photojournalism that they went ahead to buy their own cameras and today their expertise is highly valued. That little investment will have great returns in the future, you can count on that.

Be passionate

Passion is what makes us feel alive and purposeful. It would be so sad to pursue a course you don't like for four years. You can as well count them as four wasted years. To succeed as a journalist, You have to love what you are doing.