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For Ebenezer University

Why Apply

Students gain professional knowledge in multidisciplinary areas of agricultural production, with the emphasis on agricultural mechanization and technology. Mechanization in farming and animal husbandry, horticultural production, plant protection and other areas of agricultural production are studied. In the area of plant and horticultural production, besides equipment and machinery, the study also covers the topic of production surface planning, and maintenance of amelioration, irrigation and drainage systems.

The study programme is adapted to the conditions of the labour market in the new economic environment. The graduate programme provides the knowledge and the competences to plan, design and management of mechanization in all segments of agricultural production on field and indoor space, including environmentally friendly use of mechanization. The study programme includes seminar works and individual projects for specific field of mechanization.The aim of the graduate programme is to teach candidates to plan and management of mechanization in agricultural production in the existing and future state and private economic subjects and institutions.

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