Breaking News
TESO Education Fund (TEF), A Charity Organization registered in the United Kingdom No 1196225 and in Uganda as NGO No 5565 invites applications for 50 Scholarships
The Scholarships are tenable at Uganda Technology and Management University (UTAMU), an accredited University in Uganda
1. Bsc Computer Science
2. Bsc in Accounting and Finance
1. UTAMU will pay tuition fees for the 1st Academic Year
2. The Student will pay tuition fees for the 2nd Academic Year, Cater for Accommodation, upkeep, medical care and their associated requirements for their studies
3. TEF will pay tuition fees for the 3rd year
Application open on the 19th of May 2023 and close on the 18th of August 2023
Applicants will be notified by the 2nd of September 2023
Successful applicants will start their studies on the 10th of September 2023
1. Apply to UTAMU for admission and scholarship for 1st year, go to UTAMU website
2. Apply for the TEF Scholarship, Go to TEF website
Muni University
Institute of Survey and Land Management
Nkumba University
Management and Training Advisory Center (MTAC)
Nkumba University