Breaking News
The Ministry of ICT and National Guidance, through the Uganda Institute of Information and Communications Technology (UICT), has developed a partnership with the Wits Joburg Center for Software Engineering (JCSE) to share strategies and experience to improve the ICT Skills Sector in Uganda.
Through this partnership, Wits Joburg Center for Software Engineering (JCSE), as part of their partnership with UICT, has also co-partnered with the Founder Institute (FI) to bring a tried and tested structured Program as part of the UICT/ JCSE Phase 2 Program that only focuses on innovations in the technology and technology-enabled businesses.
1000 days of mentorship with 100 Innovators interacting with 100 mentors with experience from over 200 cities around the world and having worked with over 5,000 Innovations Globally! Founders are expected to benefit from these rich experienced people to be able to grow. A selection and grading criteria will put you in a category based on the information you provide, and there will be a two-track support system where one group will go through a 15-week practical development while another will be supported through early-stage development.
At the end of the programme, practical products/solutions will be developed and the founders will be linked to financing and markets. Moreover a 3 months continues support programme will continue to ensure the application of the new approach.
Interested ICT founders from early stage, entrepreneur and growth stage are all welcome to apply, more over mature SMEs looking to scale are also invited to apply.
For further information contact;
Flavia Opio
Team Lead Innovations
National ICT Innovations Hub
Francis Bwire
Business Development Centre
Source *
Ernest Cook Ultrasound Research and Education Institute (ECUREI)
Uganda Institute of Information and Communication Technology
Bugema University
Clarke International University
Uganda Christian University