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The Muljibhai Madhvani Foundation is a Charitable Trust which was set up with the primary objective of promoting scientific and technical education for the betterment of the people of Uganda. It is in pursuit of this objective that the Board of Trustees of the Foundation set up a Scholarship Committee and instituted a University scholarship programme starting in the 2003/2004 academic year. The scholarship programme is aimed at benefiting Ugandans pursuing either undergraduate or postgraduate education at the University level in Uganda.
The Board of Trustees have identified the following disciplines for sponsorships:
1. Agriculture
2. Biology
3. Chemistry
4. Commerce
5. Engineering
6. Food Science & Technology
7. Information Technology
8. Hotel Management
9. Pharmacy
10. Nursing
11. Architecture
12. Veterinary Medicine
13. Actuarial Science
14. Environmental Studies and Human Medicine.
The Board, however, reserves the right to revise this list periodically, on the recommendation of the Scholarship Committee, to suit the relative importance of each of the disciplines in the wider strategic framework of national capacity building.
1. Undergraduate students (Ugandan Nationals), who have completed at least the first year of their studies at a Ugandan University; (in any of the disciplines in 2.0 above), are eligible to apply.
2. Students with CGPA lower than 3.0 and/or having a retake in any subject in the first/preceding year of study are not eligible to apply.
3. Postgraduate students (Ugandan Nationals), who have either been admitted and/or registered for postgraduate programmes at a Ugandan University. (A first degree in the disciplines in 2.0 a must).
4. Students already on scholarships or sponsorships with other organizations are not eligible to apply. Also, the successful applicants who may be awarded scholarships or sponsorships by other organizations after the Muljibhai Madhvani Foundation scholarship award shall be discontinued.
1. Undergraduate applicants; proof of completion of the first year of study in a recognized university in Uganda. The higher one’s CGPA, the better.
2. Postgraduate applicants; proof of admission to a postgraduate programme in a recognized University or Institution of Higher Learning in Uganda.
3. Academic performance; the applicants’ Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) and/or class of degree as well as academic references shall be among the variables to be used in determining successful applicants.
4. The applicant’s age and character shall be considered.
5. The financial status of the applicants themselves, their parents, families and/or spouses shall be scrutinized to assess their relative financial needs.
6. The Board of Trustees has empowered the Scholarship Committee to use their discretion in considering the Applicants and identifying those suitable for sponsorship. The Committee may use additional parameters, such as gender, regional balance and disability, where candidates are equally qualified
7. Postgraduate Applicants with work experience in the relevant field of study will have advantage in award of Scholarship
8. The Foundation reserves the right to check and verify any information provided by the applicant
9. The Foundation reserves the right to reject any application
10. Any form of canvassing will lead to immediate disqualification
The scholarship covers tuition fees only from the second year to completion for undergraduate students; and for the entire programme of study for Postgraduate students from the time of application/award
1. The scholarship shall be extended as a grant payable directly to the University/Institution on behalf of the beneficiaries.
2. Renewal of funding shall be subject to receiving satisfactory progress reports from the beneficiaries Faculty/ Institute/School/college.
3. Retakes in more than one subject will result in the withdrawal of the Scholarship by the Trust.
4. Upon completion of the studies, it is expected that the awardees will, for the benefit of future scholars, make voluntary donations/ contributions to the Foundation.
5. It may also be noted that the award of Scholarship is not a legally binding contract between the Foundation/ Trustees and the Awardees and can not be challenged in any courts of law.
6. The Foundation/Trustees also reserve the right to withdraw the scholarship or stop payment of the tuition fees at any time at its own discretion without assigning any reason to the awardees.
1. The Application form can be downloaded for free from the Foundation website
2. All sections of the application form must be carefully filled in, attached with relevant documentation and submitted along with a signed Model Release Form. Section F must be filled by the relevant officer and stamped
3. The Completed application form can either be delivered in person or posted to Muljibhai Madhvani Foundation, P. O. Box 6361, Plot No.96-98, Business Park 5th Street, Industrial Area, Kampala, Uganda
4. Applicants, whose forms are not filled properly as required or Section E has not been filled in or have failed to attach the relevant supporting documents shall be rejected
Bugema University
International Paramedical and Nursing Institute - Maya
Nkumba University
Ndejje University
Bugema University