About Faridah Kamusiime
Faridah is innovative uganda sign language interpreter with experience in managing all aspects of Uganda sign language functions from workshops,trainings to benefit for more deaf organisations and individual cleints
About Faridah Kamusiime
Faridah is innovative uganda sign language interpreter with experience in managing all aspects of Uganda sign language functions from workshops,trainings to benefit for more deaf organisations and individual cleints
In our society, we have people who are not as advantaged as many of us, some may have speaking disabilities, hearing disabilites with others having other physical disabilities. Society terms them as those with special needs. These happen to be people of great potential but cannot live to their full potential without the help of those that are more advantaged
Did you know that ratio of the Deaf to Sign Language interpretors is 10 : 1, this presents a huge challenge as many deaf people are not able to communicate effectively as there are few Sign Language Interpretors
In Today's career spotlight, we bring you a lady who saw an opportunity to be that hero for the deaf people by using her God given abilities to speak out for those that cannot in the name of being a sign language interpreter. Faridah Kamusiime is a Sign Language Interpreter who is poised to be a champion for the deaf. We caught up with her and this is what we asked
So, Who is Faridah ?
I am an innovative Uganda Sign Language interpreter with good years of experience managing all aspects of Uganda Sign language functions from Workshops,Trainings to benefit deaf organisations and individual clients.I have spent the last years developing my skills as an interpreter from UNAD (
Uganda National Association of the Deaf) where i won a performance award and Kyambogo University.l love managing deaf persons and solving their communication problems.
Describe your typical day as a sign language interpreter ?
In a day,when i get a client wooow so enjoyable ,interesting and he or she makes my day as we are free to communicate. And before meeting my deaf client i need to do some preparation,be there in time so that i create a rapport with my client,get to know what is going to be said or signed,if its written ,video or audio i first go through so as to provide good services.I usually get my clients through communication being in the Deaf community you create more friends and those are our clients.
Faridah communicating with a client at a workshop
Why did you choose to become a Sign Language Interpreter?
Interest,love and passion for the language and the people using it.
What are your main tasks and responsibilities at work?
Interpretation (voicing and signing)
What are your main challenges ?
Background noise,the speed at which the speaker or signer is communicating and a client's negative attitude are some of the main challenges
What particular skills does one have to have if they are to be sign language interpreters?
Communication skills and interpersonal skills as they help one to communicate freely with any one

Faridah interpreting for a client during a workshp
So what is cool about your job
Everything is confidential,its is enjoyable when signing.
What's not cool about your job ?
It is tiresome when the duration of workshop is too long.
What subjects did you take in school and how have they influenced your career path ?
I had Divinity,Economics,Geography and Fine Art,i was too creative in fine art and too flexible. This inspired me to the use of my hands when communicating to my people.
What is your Education to date?
I have a Diploma in Uganda Sign language Interpretation from Kyambogo University.
What aspects of your education journey have proven most important for your line of work?
I learnt co-operation and preparation before embarking on any assignent .Research helped me to be a part of the Deaf community so to tell their dos and donts.
What trends are you seeing in sign language interpretation ?
I am seeing social transformation of deaf persons accesing information with ease.
What are the most important personal characteristics required for the job?
Respect and positive attitude towards work
Which key people influenced your career direction ?
I was greatly inspired by the people in my circles, these include my inlaw who is deaf, another cousin sisters who is also deaf as well as my parents and also my lecturers.
What is your dream job?
I dream of being a Project Officer
What have been the most rewarding events in your career so far?
One on One interpretation and being apart of the Deaf awareness weeks.
As a student, how did you cope up with the pressure to succeed / excel in class?
Through discussions, attending lectures,visiting the library, practicing with the deaf students and hearing counterparts. Seeking advice from lecturers and being attentive in class especially in practical lessons helped me greatly to excel in school
What advise would you give someone considering this job?
Put God first,read hard,practice makes perfect and respect your clients (Deaf).
What outside class activities did you engage in that have proved beneficial on your career path ?
Engaging in group discussions with people knowledgeable about Sign Language grealty helped build my confidence.
What kind of work experience would provide a good background for this position?
Any Concluding remarks
Please lets LEAVE NO DEAF BEHIND please join the cause to love the Deaf and fight for their up bringing as then the communication gap will be reduced.Thanks to the Student Hub hope it will benefit any other student out there who would wish to get different ideas about different careers.
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