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The Relevance (Why the course is being taught)

Course Entry Requirements

a) Direct entry

i, UCE certificate with at least 3 passes of which two must be in physics and math
ii, UACE Certificate with at least one principal pass in either physics or Math and 2 subsidiary passes at principal level obtained at the same sitting.

Essential – Physics and math
Relevant – Chemistry, Economics, Entrepreneurship
Desirable – General paper, any other science/technical subject taken at the subsidiary level

(b) Certificate scheme

i. UCE with at least three passes two of which should be in,
math and physics.
ii. Advanced craft certificate from a recognized constitution in
any of the following fields.
-Welding and metal fabrication
-Motor vehicle technician
-Mechanical engineering craft practice
-Refrigerator and air conditioning
-Agricultural engineering mechanics

(c) Diploma in an engineering or physical science field from a recognized institution

Subjects for Admission

Essential Subjects (X3) [?]

Relevant Subjects (X2) [?]
Desirable Subjects (X1) [?]
Fees Structure Per Semester
Item Fees
Course Cut off Points
Course Career Paths

Chase your dreams in heels of your course. Know where this course is taking you by checking out the careers associated to it listed below

Interviews related to Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Hear and learn from those that did the course and what they have been able to do with the knowledge they acquired

  • From dreaming to be a pilot to living to be an Engineer, Meet Ivan Kibuuka-Kiguli, CEO at Talk to my Car Computerized car diagnostics is a sure way to go
    Watch Interview
  • Meet Arembe Anthony one of the engineers behind the clean piped water in Kampala
    Watch Interview
  • Edumund a 3rd year Mechanical Engineering Students sheds some light on the course
    Watch Interview
  • Understanding the Mobility Industrial Value Chains - Kiira Motors The Future of Mobility in Uganda
    Watch Interview
  • Exploring Alternative Pathways After O-level
    Watch Interview
  • Looking at opportunities open to A-level Levers
    Watch Interview
Where Graduates Work

Academic Prospects

  • Higher national diploma in mechanical engineering or electrical engineering
  • Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, manufacturing engineering, automotive and power engineering,environmental engineering
  • Bachelor’s degree in other engineering fields and physical science
Scholarships to study Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

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