+256 705 093289

Application Procedure

Application Requirements

Photostat Certificate copies for both ‘O’ and ‘A’ level or their equivalent should be attached to this form when applying for a Diploma Programme. A Photostat copy for the ‘O’ level certificate or its equivalent should be attached when applying for a certificate programme. At registration, originals shall be required.

This form must reach the office of the Academic Registrar one month before the commencement of a new Term or Semester.

All academic records in a language other than English must be accompanied by a certified English Translation.

  • To qualify for Diploma enrollment one MUST possess at least ONE Principle and TWO subsidiaries at A’ Level and a minimum of FIVE passes at O’level obtained at the same sitting or its equivalent.
  • To qualify for certificate enrollment one MUST have THREE PASSES at O’level or its equivalent.
  • For Telecommunications and Electrical, Engineering one must have a PHYSICS & MATHEMATICS background with a Principal Pass in AT LEAST ONE OF THE MENTIONED SUBJECTS
  • All students are subjected to internal examinations which constitute 70% and Mid –Semester tests or Courses works which constitute 30% . No student is allowed to sit for his/her papers before fully clearing the tuition and examination fees


  • A semester runs a duration of FOUR months (17weeks) of which the 17th week is the examinations and assessment period. Except for Certificate in Mobile Phone Repair, Video Communication & Editing, and Elementary Tailoring which run for THREE MONTHS (12 weeks.)



Students are encouraged to sit for ALL examinations before they proceed to the next semester. Examinations are done at the end of every semester. An affordable fee is charged to ease the Administration and Management of the examinations. Examinations constitute 70% of the final grade and course work and tests, 30%


Currently, the school does not have accommodation facilities. However, the school administration can help students to locate /search for accommodation facilities from the nearby hostels.


  • Photocopy of identity card from previous school or institution or any valid identity card (voters ‘card, driving permit, passport) and birth Certificate, (accompanied by original copies).
  • Three colored Passport size photographs with a white background.
  • Photocopies of P.L.E, U.C.E, and UACE Certificates or their equivalent (accompanied by original copies).